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Latte Recipe - How To Make It?

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Latte Recipe - How To Make It?

What is a latte?

The latte is a universally loved coffee.  Enjoyed equally by hardcore coffee connoisseurs and those just dipping their toe into the world of coffee.  Lattes are popular since they are easily customized and deliver a delicious, mellow way to enjoy a caffeine hit.

The history of a latte

While enjoying coffee with milk is a centuries-old custom, it wasn’t until the invention of the modern day espresso machine that the latte, as we know it now, was invented. And yoy might be surprise to find that its origin is not in Italy, but much closer to home.  Competition barista, judge and trainer, Tim Sturk explains “When Americans first imported espresso machines from Italy after World War II, they wanted to imitate the coffee they had consumed in Italy. At the time, consumers generally found coffee to taste too strong, so they added milk to make it taste milder.”

The latte’s subtle flavor makes it one of the most accessible espresso-based drinks, gaining it worldwide popularity.

Latte recipe

A latte can be served at anything from a 1:4 to 1:6 ratio of espresso to milk.

  • Double espresso shot.
  • Between 6 and 10oz of steamed milk

How to make a latte:

  • Grind enough coffee for a double espresso.
  • Extract a double espresso shot into a mug, cup or glass.
  • Gently foam and steam a portion of milk (or plant-based milk).
  • Combine the milk into the espresso. towards the end of the pour, you may wish to create some latte art.

Points to note:

  • Lattes are highly customizable.  Options for additional flavour are common, including flavoured syrups or powders such as matcha or chai.
  • Dairy or plant based milks can be used for this drink.
  • Latte art is encouraged, and shows a barista’s high level of skill.


What’s the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

The latte is a larger drink, there is the same amount of coffee, but more milk, making the coffee taste more mellow.  Additionally, a cappuccino’s milk is thicker and more textured than a latte, making it a little heavier in the mouth.

What’s the difference between a latte and a macchiato?

Coffee chains have perpetuated the myth that a macchiato is a long drink, similar to a latte.  Not so in the specialty coffee scene.  A latte and macchiato are actually very different.  A latte contains a double espresso which is diluted with a large portion of steamed milk whereas a macchiato is a short, strong drink consisting of a double espresso and a small dollop of milk foam on top.

Is a latte stronger than a regular coffee?

A latte is espresso-based, containing a double shot.  Since espresso is very concentrated, and a latte contains quit a lot of steamed milk, they may taste more mellow than other espresso-based drinks.  But the realty is that they often contain the same amount of coffee, therefore the same caffeine content.

What’s the best type of coffee for a latte?

The answer to this question is truly subjective.  Since lattes are universally loved by all types of coffee lovers, the coffee chosen depends greatly on your own personal taste. If you want to lean into a latte’s mellow, milky qualities; a bright medium-roast with hints of caramel will be delicious.  If you want to pair the latte’s sweetness with bold, rich flavors, something stronger will suit you better.


Looking for other recipes? Read our article about coffee drinks explained.

notNeutral VERO Latte Glass (12oz/355ml) $35.00

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notNeutral VERO Latte Glass (12oz/355ml)

Introducing the VERO latte glass, your go-to way to enjoy your coffee. With its modern design and comfy grip, it'll make any drink look and feel like barista magic!